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Continuous School Improvement Plan

Frederick County Public Schools is dedicated to continuous improvement. Our school principals lead efforts to plan, implement, and review their goals, using a variety of data to make sure we’re always moving in the right direction. School and division plans are monitored for progress and updated quarterly to support our commitment to our students and their families.

This information keeps families informed about our progress and the status of school goals. You’ll find updates and insights as we work together to improve student learning and school performance.

School Profile Information

School: Evendale Elementary School
Principal: Dr. Michael J. Daddario
Enrollment: 620

School Vision Statement

An innovative community where caring relationships and authentic learning inspire all students. 

School Mission Statement

The Frederick County Public Schools community nurtures all learners to realize their dreams and aspirations through :

  • Meaningful and engaging learning experiences 
  • A collective responsibility for continuous growth 
  • Embracing a culture of diversity and inclusiveness 
  • Fostering and supporting innovative ideas that challenge conventional thinking 
  • A commitment to forward-thinking learning environments

Goal #1

Evendale Elementary School teachers and staff will provide Tier I literacy instruction that meets the needs of all students as measured by increasing the percentage of students in the moderate and low risk categories by a minimum of 10%  on the VALLS assessment, and obtain an overall SOL pass rate of 90% on the SOL assessment.

  • Establish expectations for the components of effective instruction that should be included in each grade level's literacy block.
  • Establish expectations for an effective literacy lesson plans.   
  • Evendale teachers and staff will implement the VA DOE’s Lesson Planning Cycle to plan, monitor, and modify instruction.        
Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track A first round of literacy walkthroughs was completed during the month of October. This data will be shared with teachers during planning meetings in November. Another round of literacy walkthroughs will be completed in November to look for changes from what was shared in October, and to assess for new areas needing attention.


Goal #2

Evendale Elementary School teachers and staff will provide Tier 1 math instruction that meets the needs of all students as measured by achieving a minimum of an overall 90% pass rate on the SOL assessment.

  • Evendale staff and teachers will administer and analyze data from fall screeners (iready/VKRP/SOL/VGA).
  • Develop a consistent MTSS process for math remediation and intervention based on common assessment data.
  • All EES teachers will implement the 2023 Math Standards of Learning, and use the scope and sequence provided by Math Forward.
Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

Fall screeners have been administered, but not yet reviewed with all teachers. 

Each grade level has given at least one common grade level assessment in the last month. Several of the teams have collaborated around what remediation or extension might look like based on the results of the common grade level assessment. Additionally, some of the teams have created remediation groups based on the data from their common grade level assessment. More than half of the teams have started to reassess students who did not show  mastery on the common grade level assessment.

It has been observed during classroom observations by school administration that teacher are implementing the 2023 MAth Standards of Learning and using the scope and sequence provided by Math Forward. 



Goal #3

During the 2024-2025 school year, Evendale Elementary School will decrease by 10% the number of bus referrals and office managed referrals.  Target Goal: Bus Referrals 61 or less; Classroom Referrals 97 or less.

  • Evendale bus drivers will receive training on the EES bus expectations and referral process for students.
  • Evendale teachers will explicitly teach, model and practice with students the EES schoolwide PBIS expectations for specified areas in the school, including: cafeteria, bus, bathroom, classroom, playground, and hallway.
  • EES teachers will consistently implement the EES Behavior Flow Chart in response to student behavior.
Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

A meeting is scheduled for Evendale bus drivers on November 8 at 9:15 AM. At this meeting bus drivers will gain an understanding of the ROAR bus expectations for students and will also receive Panther Cash to distribute to students.

Teachers followed a rotation schedule to teach schoolwide PBIS expectations on August 15, 16, 19, and 20, 2024 for the cafeteria, bus hallways, restroom, classroom and playground.

Teachers are using the EES Behavior Response Flowchart evidenced by the number of think time sheets and office managed behavior referrals that are tracked by grade level and number of students. This data is tracked and shared with stakeholders at each monthly PBIS committee meeting. This data is also used to determine the need for further support for students through the tiered systems of support.

Through October 31, 2024, Evendale has had 23 bus referrals and for the same time period in 2023 Evendale had 18 (increase of 5 during the current school year).

Through October 31, 2024,  Evendale has had 24 office managed behavioral referrals and for the same time period in 2024, Evendale had 22 (decrease of 2 during the current school year).



Goal #4

During the 2024-2025 school year, Evendale Elementary School will increase family engagement/participation in three family engagements by a minimum of 10%. Target goal 1: Fall event October - 202 students 607 families; Winter Event February - 103 students 310 Families; Spring Event April - 46 students 139 families.

  • Family survey will be given at the Meet the Teacher Night.
  • Aligning events with the dates from the family survey; choosing event, month, day of week, start time and theme.
  • Posting family engagement events on social media; EES FB Page, EES Website, See Saw, PTO FB Page, flyers home.
  • EES Family Engagement Committee plan and schedule the fall, winter, and spring events.
  • Collect student and family attendance for each of the 3 family engagement events.
Quarter Status Progress Narrative
Q1 On Track

A family survey was given to all families that attended Evendale's Meet the Teacher Event on August 13, 2024. Data showed that parents preferred a timeframe of 6:00 - 7:00 in the evening. It also showed that families like the events that Evendale holds, but wanted them to provide ideas parents and families could engage in at home to aid their children with learning.

The Evendale Reading Rope Carnival was advertised through all the outlets available to the school, including Seesaw, Rapid Communication System, Evendale Facebook page, Evendale Website, and paper flyers sent home.

Target goal for the Fall Event on October 24, 2024: 202 students and 607 families. At the event there were a total of 191 students and 573 family members. There was an increase of 7 students from last fall's event. The goal for students attending was missed by 11 students. The increase in family participation was up by 21 people and missing the goal by 34 family members. These were good increases.



For more information about Evendale Elementary School's Continuous Improvement Plan please join us at our quarterly events or reach out to the school principal.


Quarterly Events

  • August 13, 2024 - Meet the Teacher/ Back to  School Night
  • October 24, 2024 - Reading Rope Carnival
  • February 12, 2025 - I LOVE Math (Snow Date: February 26, 2025)
  • April 4, 2025 - Celebrating Diversity Night

Note: All event dates are subject to change pending the results of a parent survey given at open house.